Kevin Paul Shaw Broden - Four Names of Creativity

Author - Artist - Voice Over Actor


Remember in my last blog I mentioned that I didn’t know what I was going to write about? How I just rambled about walking around the neighborhood looking for ideas.

Well, God has other ways of providing interesting things for me to write about:

I had a visit from the police this morning.

I don’t know what to write…

There are times when you don’t know what to Blog about.

I know I need to create a calendar and list of ideas for upcoming blogs, but sometimes that takes as much work as writing the blog itself does.

So where do ideas come from? I have no idea.

Music Unites the World

Today was the second day of work I’ve had so far this year. It was a two-day temp-job provided event support to Education Through Music Los Angeles and their “Music Unites the World Festival”

Anime: Voice Actors/VTubers

Thoughts on two anime series my wife and I have been watch. It’s not a review, just expressing enjoyment:


It all came to this

Engaging Humor – Writing a Compelling Blog

Okay, it took a couple of extra days, but I was finally able to do a recording of my Toastmasters Speech that was based on the blog series I began writing at the start of the year. So let’s get to it.

The Nerve You Say

Hi all,

I’ll be telling you about the Toastmasters speech in an upcoming blog once I get a good recording of it to share with you.
What I can tell you now is my nerves really got to me during the and I’m not really certain why.
I think it had to do with having to work with running my PowerPoint presentation on Zoom while maintaining eye contact with the camera while trying not to look at my script.
That’s all an excuse, I stumbled through it but I got it done. Surprisingly, people liked the speech, I’ll tell you about that soon.
I felt like I was back in school when I was scared to speak up at all. I’ve already told you about the one time in High School I gave a speech.
As an adult I was still nervous about doing any public speaking, but things began to change in our adult Sunday School when I began to speech up with my thoughts on what the teacher was saying and the Biblical verses we were studying. I then began finding myself volunteering to teach the class from time to time. My wife and I have taught together a few times as well. I was also being ask to do the Bible reading each week in class.
Then came the next and newest part of my life. An interest in Voice Acting. As a scriptwriter I wanted to know what the actor needed from me.
So, I took a voice acting class. I wasn’t expecting much, and certain I would be nervous stepping up to the mic in front of the entire class for the very first time.
You know what? I had no nerves what so ever and I read the script and performed with joy. I was so surprised by how I felt doing it I knew this was something I would continue to do. I would go on to take further voice acting classes over the next several years, have demo reels produced, and audition for roles.
So why did the nerves swell up during this speech? I really can’t say, but I won’t let them stop me from doing anything anymore.
Hope to have the speech up soon.


The Speech Approaches

If I’m going to keep this up, writing two blogs a week, I’ll need to learn how to be better plan them out in advance. I also have to schedule my writing periods for the blog in the middle of everything else I’m doing.

As mentioned in my previous post, I am currently working on a speech I’m going to be giving at Toastmasters this Saturday.

Quick thoughts on writing

Writing can be one of the most joys filled actives, or the must torturous. More often than not, it is both at the same time.

Mazes and Hanks

Today’s blog is going to be late, and while I thing about what to write I am watching the latest episode of Critical Role streaming on Youtube.
This current story is the latest part of Exandria Unlimited (EXU) about the ancient past of this world told with gaming, role playing games, with Dungeons & Dragons.
It makes me remember a time in my own ancient past.

The Phantom Detective is out

As I’ve told you in previous posts, along with super heroes I fell in love with the adventure heroes that came out of the Pulp era and in the Golden Age of Radio. Those masked, and some not, adventures were always a part of me.

Let me introduce you to The Phantom Detective

It’s all Captain Picard’s fault

“Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.”

He commanded the computer, and the replicator produces a hot cup of the worse smelling and tasting tea in the world

Toastmaster, am I?


Thank you all so very much for reading my blogs over the last weeks as I wrote this series on comic books for my Toastmasters assignment. The series is complete, but I’m sure I have more to say about comic books in the future, but I thought it might be a good idea to tell you about what Toastmasters is and my involvement in it.

How the heck did they even let me do a whole project on Comic Books?

Dream of What Lies Beneath

My previous blog post was officially the last of my Comic Book series for Toastmasters, but I have one more story to tell.

While I was telling you all about my love for the Golden Age of Super Heroes, about Earth 2, the Justice Society, and the All-Star Squadron, one evening I had a dream.

Over the last week I’ve been drawing a pseudo comic book cover based on that dream.


My career in comic has been a long and slow journey, but from the very beginning as a child I was creating my own super hero characters.

My first character I created was called… Captain Combo <cringe, I know> – I tried to draw a character that was partially every character I knew in the DC Universe – The Superman Shield, the bat symbol, Flash’s lightning bolt, the Dr. Fate’s helmet with Dr. Mid-Nite’s goggles, and so forth. It was really silly, and long before I discovered the android Amazo which was basically the same thing.

My Career In Comics, So far…

This is probably going to be the more boring and least interesting post in this series, but let’s give it a try.

As mentioned, I was a young kid discovering comic books when I knew I wanted to be a comic book artist, and being an artist, I soon discovered that I was a story teller so that meant I was a writer as well. I emulated the artists and writers I loved in the comic.

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