Author - Artist - Voice Over Actor

Category: ToastMasters

Digesting Super Heroes

“Thank you, God, for brining Mom and Dad home safely,” my mother would always say as we drove past the hospital. Both her parents had been in a patient there a number of times, and we praised God for them returning home safe and healthy.

That hospital has held many joyful and sad memories for us. Hopefully me being born there was one of the joyful ones.

My father also worked in the lab, and my mom would walk me over to have lunch with him from time to time.

So, what does all that have to do with comic books, and super heroes? Quite a lot, actually, at least for me.

The hospital had a small gift shop where visitors could purchase flowers, snacks, or stuffed animals for the patients they were coming to see. They also had a small magazine display rack, and upon it were a few (very few) small comic books.

These were digest size books that were reprints of other already published books. Most of these digests were done by Archie Comics, about Archie, his two girls Betty and Veronica, Jughead, and the rest.

But every so often there were other digest comics. These were mostly from DC Comics (actually, I don’t remember Marvel publishing Digests like these).

I wasn’t really interested in Archie and his friends. Then one time I was there I saw a comic with a whole lot of super heroes on the cover. 33 In All. I recognized several of them: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and others that I knew from the Super Friends, but there were a whole lot more on this cover. I just had to have it.

DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #11
DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #11

Suddenly I was in love with the entire DC Universe in one single issue. (Or a single digest reprint of Justice League of America #100, #101, and #102). Here was my first exposure to so many different super heroes, and to the concept of Parallel Worlds. This was long before I ever heard the term ‘multiverse.’

Not only was there a Justice League of America, but also a Justice Society of America from an entirely different. Similar heroes to ones I was familiar with and others that were all new to me.

I was in love with absolutely every one of them.

Many years later I would become friends with the writer and editor of the book, Len Wein, and we chatted about what stories were decided to put in these digests. “Editor’s Choice,” was his answer. Gail Simone would say that Justice League of America #100 and this story would be a major impact on her becoming comic book writer as well.

Justice League of America #100
Justice League of America #100 – the comic that was reprinted in the digest that started me on the road of loving comic book super heroes.

So, to get introduced to the DC Universe this clearly was the right place.

I would be in the lobby of the hospital many times over the next months and years, as my grandparents slowly reached the end of their stories. Sitting quietly there, sometimes doing my homework, sometimes not, I really didn’t have much to do. This lonely boy fell into the eyes of the hospital’s chaplain one Father Francis ‘Frank’ Smith.

Father Smith felt sorry for this boy sitting there and went back to his own office down the hall. When he returned, he came over to me and handed me two comic books: one was an issue Superman and the other was of The Flash.

Superman #355
Superman #355 – one of the comics given to me by Father Smith.
The Flash #293
The Flash #293 another comic given to me by Father Smith.

At one point in my life as I began contemplating a career in comic books and writing and drawing super heroes, I began to wonder if God would approve of me enjoying creating stories about people with god-like powers. I would be reminded of Father Smith giving me these two super hero comics out of his own collection, and I knew it was okay and that God approved of my goals.

This would be the true beginning of my love of comic books and super heroes.

There would be many more to follow.

Being in that hospital lobby so often would result in purchasing other Digest comics and discovering other heroes, none so great as the doctors and staff who help my parents and grandparents there.

Prayers and Concerns

Hi All,

Hoping to have the next installment of my blog related to comics and super heroes tomorrow, but this morning we evacuated our apartment out of precaution because of the fires burning near us.

Please Pray for all those who have lost their homes and businesses, and that everyone else is safe and able to return home when the areas are safe for them.

Thank you all.


Comics & Me – Introduction

Hi All,

May this New Year be enjoyable and successful for all.

I have several goals for this New Year, mostly focusing on my career, but to start off I’ll be writing this blog and posting twice a week. Which will hopefully be a whole lot better than what it has been in the past. This first blog series is about how comic books and super heroes have influenced my career. This is also part of a Toastmasters assignment, “Writing a Compelling Blog,” which when the blog series is complete, I’ll be giving a speech about the whole experience.

Comic books and super heroes have been part of my life for, well nearly all my life. Now that I think about it, super heroes have been there long before comic books were. I’ll probably be giving away my age in this blog, but I have no problem with that.

There were several super heroes shows as part of Saturday Morning Cartoons on television at that time, most well-known of course was the Super Friends, but there were others before that. I would first discover super heroes elsewhere, starting with reruns of the 1950s Adventures of Superman starring George Reeves, and the 1960s Batman series starring Adam West. I think I enjoyed the Superman series better even if it was in black and white. I also enjoyed super heroes that I never saw, listening to the Green Hornet, Lone Ranger, and The Shadow on the radio (yes these were all reruns as well), and I enjoyed them almost more than the ones that appeared on television. Radio was the theatre of the mind; my young imagination created the worlds I heard. These radio heroes would end up playing an important part of my career down the road.

Comic books came into existence to me in an odd way. Why I had never read one up to this point I’m not really certain, though I suppose the comic book adaptions of Bible stories does count, but it’s not the same thing. Religion and how it relates to my love of comics will be in an upcoming blog account. However, I believe God had a hand in my love for comics from the very beginning.

The first comics I read I got while my grandparents were in the hospital. The gift shop sold digest sized comics, and one of them greatly interested me. This comic and the ones that followed, would be the start of everything that would follow. After that, I would be… well, I would be addicted to reading super hero comics.

This is Issue 11 of the DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest comic which began my love for comics and super heroes. Wow 33 super heroes in one comic!

I would be encouraged keep reading comics as it helped with my overall reading in school.

It wouldn’t be long after those first few comics that I would discover my favorite series to read; All-Star Squadron, and I would continue to read it until the end of the series years later. As reading comics helped improve my school reading, this series helped grow my interest in history. More on this later too.

From those early comics I read, I soon began to draw pictures. Copying some, and creating my own. It would take a lot of work, and a lot of years, but eventually I would become a professional comic book illustrator and a writer, and that all lead into the rest of my career.

Am looking forward to telling you all the crazy details of it all.

Hope you enjoy my new blog series, please comment and share.

Kevin Paul Shaw Broden
Four Names of Creativity

Reawakening The Blog

Hi All.

            Hope everyone has had a blessed Christmas and happy holiday season.

It’s been nearly a year since my last blog post.

Did you like my interpretation of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer? He is the Shiny One.

Though I did update my Voice Over Demo Reel last month.

This post is to ‘reawaken’ my blog here and keep it going in to the new year.

            If all goes well, I’ll be starting up a regular blog that will be at least weekly in 2025.

            It will start in January when I’ll be doing a series of eight to ten blog posts for a Toastmasters assignment. The focus of this first series of blogs will be on Comic Books and my relationship to them as a Reader, Writer, and Artist. I began reading comics at a young age, they actually helped me to learn to read better. Comics would go on to influence my life in many ways, and be the beginning of my career. So, I’ll have different blog posts about comics, their influences on me, and my own comics career. I hope not to insult any of my creative friends who have worked on the comics I’ll be mentioning.

            If you don’t know, Toastmasters is an International nonprofit educational organization that builds confidence and teaches public speaking through its clubs. It has recently added electronic communications, like meetings in Zoom and media to the presentations, and assignments like Blogs and Podcasts.

            Once my Blog assignment is complete, and I plan to continue the blogs from there, I plan to also start a regular Podcast, and hopefully streaming.

            See you in the New Year.

“Beware The Shiny One”

This was my first 2024 speech for Toastmasters, I had begun working on it in November with a Christmas theme, but there were no speaker slots in December so reworked it as the first speech of 2024. This is for my Level Three “Engaging your Audience with Humor” speech.

I am a member of Toastmasters 4 Writer.

Have you ever considered the Internal Logic in the Christmas song “Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer”? I have, and it scared me.

What my speech and you’ll be asking … ?

The Missing Marathon Speech

Recently, I did my third speech for Toastmasters.
My wife and I are members of Toastmasters 4 Writers in Burbank, California – District 52.

My second and third speech were connected because what I learned from giving the second speech would be applied to the third. The Second speech was about my family, especially my grandfather, James Shaw, who was from Ireland and came to America. There are many great stories I could tell about him and his life. When it came to telling the third speech I chose to focus on him as a Marathon runner, especially winning one in Belfast Ireland.

But as I began to do research for this speech, I was finding more questions than answers. On top of that there wasn’t a lot of recorded history about the 1909 race, and that the first Belfast City Marathon didn’t happen until 1982.

So this speech began as much about learning the truth about the race as it was about my grandfather winning it.

A big thank you goes out to John T. Glover who wrote the book HISTORY OF NORTHERN IRELAND MARATHON RUNNING for helping me locate the facts.

2020 the End is Nigh

At the start of the year I had great 2020 Vision (go back and read the blog) – that vision had such great plans for the year ahead…

It didn’t go at all as planned (for none of us). Even before Covid struck, on the second day of the year I was told I was being laid off from my job which I had for 10 years.

So I was home, and soon my wife would be working from home as well. I truly believe that to be a blessing.

A family member is in the hospital (praise God not with Covid).

That all said, the year wasn’t all that bad for me. Being home most of the time allowed certain things to happen, or things for me to discover, that I wouldn’t have if the world was still going as it had a year ago.

I had already planned to take Voice Acting Classes, by the end of that first class I was determined to make Voice Over as part of my career. I soon found other classes and workshops I could do online that I wouldn’t have been able to do previously. Joined Toastmasters, got back into college courses, and became an Improv actor.

With 2021 about to start, I am confident that there many blessings that came to me through 2020 even as stressful as it was.

What is to come next, I am not entirely certain but am Determined to grab hold of each and every blessing that is to follow.

God Bless you all. See you in the new year.

Tales of Yesteryear Told in Future Tense

The year 2020 hasn’t turned out the way any of us had planned it. But looking now my 2020 Vision from the beginning of the year and isn’t all that cloudy.
Along with being an artist and writer, I had begun training to become a voice actor for animation.
Things may have slowed down some, but they haven’t stopped. I’m still writing, and am regularly doing artwork for books by Airship 27 Productions.
I continue taking more classes towards my acting career.
At my wife encouragement I have joined a local chapter of Toastmasters – Toastmasters 4 Writers. What could be more perfect.
At a meeting nearly a year ago, before I officially joined I did an Impromptu ‘Table Topics’ speech which I won, and it set off my Determination to become a Voice Actor.
This past Saturday (August 8th, 2020) I gave my first speech. An ‘Icebreaker’ speech they call it, introducing myself to the group.
As I wrote my speech I began to realize the moment in my life that set me off on the road to being an artist, writer, and now actor. It all began with ‘Old Time Radio.’

What follows is my Toastmasters Icebreaker speech, entitled:
“Tales of Yesteryear Told in Future Tense”.
(Points to those who know what two radio programs that is a reference to.)

Tales of Yesteryear Told in Future Tense

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