The movie Wicked is now streaming, but we did get to see it in the theater before it left. It is one of those films that is best seen on the big screen. Go out to movie theaters, people!
I absolutely enjoyed the play and liked the movie equally as much…
But this isn’t about the movie, rather the experience in the theatre and the Wicked Kid who sat behind us.

We got to the theater early, as we always tend to do. We had purchased tickets online and reserved our seats. (As nice as that is to do, there is something missing from standing in line to buy tickets with others.)
We waited several minutes in the lobby outside our shoe box theater. Once the cleaning crew was done, we were the first inside. The early in house ads began… I don’t complain about the long promos before the actual trailers start, they are just filler time as people find their seats, settle down.
By the time the trailers had begun most of the rest of the audience had filed in, though the theater never completely filled. This was the last couple weeks of Wicked being in the theater after all. Everyone had seen it by then; you did, I’m sure.
Sitting directly behind us was a woman and a young boy, possibly eight years old.
That Wicked Boy.
They boy was talking a lot. Of course, I was concerned that he’d be talking through the movie, or that he would even be paying attention to the movie.
He would have something to say about the different movie trailers.
When the trailer for the MINECRAFT movie came on, he got really excited and said he wanted to see “That movie!”
The next trailer came on, and I have to say the movie theater made a terrible mistake. You know that slide the comes on before the trailers. Usually green reads:
“The following PREVIEW has been approved for Appropriate Audiences by the Motion Picture Associate of America, Inc.”

The next trailer was for “Last Breath” a disaster movie about divers trapped deep beneath the ocean. All the scenes were dark, as we see the diver fall further and further into it.
The little boy behind me responds to this one as we by saying “I don’t’ want to see that. I’m going to have nightmares.”
I really felt for him then, praying that this dark movie trailer wouldn’t be the only thing he would remember.
The trailers ended and the movie began.
The boy became relatively quiet, laughing at the right moments, and whispering about something, but he never disturbed us.
I wouldn’t hear him again till near the end of the movie.
SPOILERS approaching – Though come on, you haven’t seen WICKED yet?
Up in the tower, and the broom is ready to ride, Elphaba asks Galinda/Glinda if she want to come with her.
The little boy speaks up for the first time saying: “Go with her, go with her!”
I couldn’t help but smile. He had been paying attention to the movie, to the story, and was committed to the characters. He cared about them and wanted them to escape together.
It was wonderful, and as is usual for me, I began to tear up hearing his words.
I love that little kids can enjoy a deep movie like this as much as adults do, I just hope adults can enjoy movies as little kids do.
That Wicked Boy wasn’t wicket at all. He was Wonderful, and far more Wonderful than any Wizard that is or was.
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