Hi All.
Hope everyone has had a blessed Christmas and happy holiday season.
It’s been nearly a year since my last blog post.
Did you like my interpretation of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer? He is the Shiny One.
Though I did update my Voice Over Demo Reel last month.
This post is to ‘reawaken’ my blog here and keep it going in to the new year.
If all goes well, I’ll be starting up a regular blog that will be at least weekly in 2025.
It will start in January when I’ll be doing a series of eight to ten blog posts for a Toastmasters assignment. The focus of this first series of blogs will be on Comic Books and my relationship to them as a Reader, Writer, and Artist. I began reading comics at a young age, they actually helped me to learn to read better. Comics would go on to influence my life in many ways, and be the beginning of my career. So, I’ll have different blog posts about comics, their influences on me, and my own comics career. I hope not to insult any of my creative friends who have worked on the comics I’ll be mentioning.
If you don’t know, Toastmasters is an International nonprofit educational organization that builds confidence and teaches public speaking through its clubs. It has recently added electronic communications, like meetings in Zoom and media to the presentations, and assignments like Blogs and Podcasts.
Once my Blog assignment is complete, and I plan to continue the blogs from there, I plan to also start a regular Podcast, and hopefully streaming.
See you in the New Year.