Author - Artist - Voice Over Actor

Tag: Super Friends

Digesting Super Heroes

“Thank you, God, for bringing Mom and Dad home safely,” my mother would always say as we drove past the hospital. Both her parents had been in a patient there a number of times, and we praised God for them returning home safe and healthy.

That hospital has held many joyful and sad memories for us. Hopefully me being born there was one of the joyful ones.

My father also worked in the lab, and my mom would walk me over to have lunch with him from time to time.

So, what does all that have to do with comic books, and super heroes? Quite a lot, actually, at least for me.

The hospital had a small gift shop where visitors could purchase flowers, snacks, or stuffed animals for the patients they were coming to see. They also had a small magazine display rack, and upon it were a few (very few) small comic books.

These were digest size books that were reprints of other already published books. Most of these digests were done by Archie Comics, about Archie, his two girls Betty and Veronica, Jughead, and the rest.

But every so often there were other digest comics. These were mostly from DC Comics (actually, I don’t remember Marvel publishing Digests like these).


“This is KPSB radio, beginning its broadcast day.”

My name is Kevin Paul Shaw Broden ‘Four Names of Creativity’.

I have always imagined my initials as the call letters of a radio station. Not any Top 40 pop station, or 24 hours of talking heads; no, my station exists in the golden age of radio of the 1930s to the 1950s. When tales of adventure ruled the airways.

That was the beginning of my very first Toastmasters speech, and as this blog series is part of an upcoming speech, I thought I would start here.

Before comic books, and while super heroes existed inn Saturday Morning Cartoon, I was discovering them on the radio.

Comics & Me – Introduction

Hi All,

May this New Year be enjoyable and successful for all.

I have several goals for this New Year, mostly focusing on my career, but to start off I’ll be writing this blog and posting twice a week. Which will hopefully be a whole lot better than what it has been in the past. This first blog series is about how comic books and super heroes have influenced my career. This is also part of a Toastmasters assignment, “Writing a Compelling Blog,” which when the blog series is complete, I’ll be giving a speech about the whole experience.

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