Today was the second day of work I’ve had so far this year. It was a two-day temp-job provided event support to Education Through Music Los Angeles and their “Music Unites the World Festival”

Though I had the pleasure of guiding three classes of students playing the Xylophone, much of my time was spent directly people to the rest rooms. Men’s Restroom here, Women’s over there. You get the point.

What was important that it was a fun and enjoyable time as the students received special coaching from professional, whether they be conductors, singers, or percussionists and so on.

Hundreds of kids were spread out in different parts of the theater each in their own rehearsal and coaching areas.

Two things stuck out to me about all these kids. Whether they were boys or girls when they entered the theatre, this Art Deco Palace, their eyes lit up and they all said how fancy it was. Surely different then playing in the gym at their schools. They were getting to perform someplace really special.

The second was during their lunch time on the first day. Two of the classes had to each lunch in the balcony where I was station. Beneath us was the lobby of the theater where another large class were rehearsing with all their orchestral instruments. When they finished their song all the kids up there in the balcony applauded them. That was probably the greatest thing I saw, here were elementary school age kids cheering on other kids from different schools. It was fantastic to see.

You can follow Education Through Music Los Angeles at their website.

What comes next on the job front for me? I don’t know yet, just turned in my time card.