I’ve been doing a lot of old style pulp writing recently, and had a sudden thought about characters. So I wrote down several brief character descriptions
Tell me if you recognize them, and if you thought I got them correct?
- He was raised by loving parents who taught him right from wrong; to respect others, and to help his neighbors, who ever they might be, however he could. He has moved to the big city to do just that.
- Raised by a single father, he never knew his mother. Reaching adulthood, he discovers he is heir to a distant and mysterious kingdom. He will become king if he can bring the kingdom together, even though they see him as an outsider; even as an enemy.
- Recruited for a special police force, his personality is both greatest strength and greatest weakness.
- She was raised and loved by her entire family, but when they are threatened she must turn away from them in order to save them.
- A police scientist discovers something in his lab that allows him to fight crime in ways no other cop can.
- Traumatized in childhood he struggles to prevent it from happening to others.
- Two police officers are sent undercover to a distant city. They must use their training to fight a new kind of criminal, while struggling with their personal relationship.
- Kidnapped to a new land; he must act like one of them to survive while saving them from themselves.
Kevin Paul Shaw Broden
Four Names of Professional Creativity
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