Author - Artist - Voice Over Actor

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Comics & Me – Introduction

Hi All,

May this New Year be enjoyable and successful for all.

I have several goals for this New Year, mostly focusing on my career, but to start off I’ll be writing this blog and posting twice a week. Which will hopefully be a whole lot better than what it has been in the past. This first blog series is about how comic books and super heroes have influenced my career. This is also part of a Toastmasters assignment, “Writing a Compelling Blog,” which when the blog series is complete, I’ll be giving a speech about the whole experience.

Reawakening The Blog

Hi All.

            Hope everyone has had a blessed Christmas and happy holiday season.

It’s been nearly a year since my last blog post.

Did you like my interpretation of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer? He is the Shiny One.

Though I did update my Voice Over Demo Reel last month.

This post is to ‘reawaken’ my blog here and keep it going in to the new year.

Voice Acting Demo Reels

Hi all,

Been a while since I regularly posted a blog entry. Am hoping that will change soon. I have plan for some up coming blog posts. Will let you know when that will start.

In the meantime, as a Voice Actor, I wanted to let you know that I have just completed a second Voice Over Demo Reel. The first one I had produced was for Animation and Character voices. This new reel focuses on Commercials.

Am posting both of them here for you to listen to:

Commercial Demo Reel
Character/Animation Demo Reel

If you’re a Producer, Casting Director, or Agent my contact information is in the videos.

“Beware The Shiny One”

This was my first 2024 speech for Toastmasters, I had begun working on it in November with a Christmas theme, but there were no speaker slots in December so reworked it as the first speech of 2024. This is for my Level Three “Engaging your Audience with Humor” speech.

I am a member of Toastmasters 4 Writer.

Have you ever considered the Internal Logic in the Christmas song “Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer”? I have, and it scared me.

Happy New Year – 2024


1 – Full Time Job

2 – Make myself known to Casting Directors

3 – More Regular Voice Over Auditions

4 – Book Voice Over Roles

5 – Start a regular Stream

6 – Be part of an Improv Group

7 – Play at least one Dungeons & Dragons game

8 – Be able to afford more VO training


Halloween 2023

To celebrate All Hallow’s Eve this year, I’ve incorporated my Voice Acting training and done readings of gothic poems.

The first poem is Edgar Allen Poe’s “Annabel Lee”.

The second poem is H.P. Lovecraft’s “Hallowe’en in a Suburb”.

The Missing Marathon Speech

Recently, I did my third speech for Toastmasters.
My wife and I are members of Toastmasters 4 Writers in Burbank, California – District 52.

My second and third speech were connected because what I learned from giving the second speech would be applied to the third. The Second speech was about my family, especially my grandfather, James Shaw, who was from Ireland and came to America. There are many great stories I could tell about him and his life. When it came to telling the third speech I chose to focus on him as a Marathon runner, especially winning one in Belfast Ireland.

This Mask

“I’ve grown accustomed to this mask.”

I have always liked the musical MY FAIR LADY (I don’t like the ending, but that’s a different discussion), and the other day I began mouthing words to the son “I’ve grown accustomed to her face” and a thought struck me. So I came home and wrote my own version of the song.

Will all apologies to Lerner & Loewe, and apologies to your ears. Here is my bad singing of a my parody “I’ve grown accustomed to this mask.”

Three Months of Animated Joy

Been a while since I last posted, so here’s a brief run down of what I’ve ben up to.

I’ve continued to take Voice Acting classes through the year.  As much of a struggle this past year has been, being able to take classes by Zoom has been a great blessing. If I had completed my original Voice Over class in the studio, I know I would have pursued this goal further but I don’t know if I would have ever have taken as many classes in person in such a short a mount of time.  I have been very blessed.

In the Trenches of the Death Star

Posted on the Lancer Radio Network – Pasadena City College

As part of my Voice Over training, this past semester I took a class at Pasadena City College entitled: ANNOUNCING FOR ELECTRONIC MEDIA. There were many projects we did, including Voice Over, music radio intros, and more, was being able to create my own radio program and do an interview. Of course I called the radio show FOUR NAMES OF PROFESSIONAL CREATIVITY.

So I asked my good friend Craig Miller if I could interview him about the book – STAR WARS MEMORIES: My Time In The Death Star Trenches.


Is that a word?

During my recent Voice Over Workshop/Class with actor Richard Horvitz I was determined to have my own Home Studio Recording Booth. Working with other students and Mr. Horvitz, I researched a lot of potential booth concepts. From the far too expensive (and would never fit in the apartment) down to seeing if I could rearrange my closet (not possible). All the research finally lead to where they have numerous types of booths from large to small, permanent to portable, and I found what I wanted and could afford.

They have a DYI booth made of PVC pipes and sound dampening moving blankets. I chose to have them pre-cut the pipes to the size I needed and a couple of weeks later I began to assemble the booth. Have a look.

The Jealousy War

In January I did a morning warm up sketch of a girl being bullied and knocked down at school. It soon turned into a series of sketch and then a complete narrative.

Here’s the series in it’s completion:

2020 the End is Nigh

At the start of the year I had great 2020 Vision (go back and read the blog) – that vision had such great plans for the year ahead…

It didn’t go at all as planned (for none of us). Even before Covid struck, on the second day of the year I was told I was being laid off from my job which I had for 10 years.

So I was home, and soon my wife would be working from home as well. I truly believe that to be a blessing.

A family member is in the hospital (praise God not with Covid).

That all said, the year wasn’t all that bad for me. Being home most of the time allowed certain things to happen, or things for me to discover, that I wouldn’t have if the world was still going as it had a year ago.

I had already planned to take Voice Acting Classes, by the end of that first class I was determined to make Voice Over as part of my career. I soon found other classes and workshops I could do online that I wouldn’t have been able to do previously. Joined Toastmasters, got back into college courses, and became an Improv actor.

With 2021 about to start, I am confident that there many blessings that came to me through 2020 even as stressful as it was.

What is to come next, I am not entirely certain but am Determined to grab hold of each and every blessing that is to follow.

God Bless you all. See you in the new year.

“The Crypt” A Halloween Story

A few Halloweens ago I wrote this story in homage to some of my favorite H.P. Lovecraft tales, it also was influenced by Ray Bradbury’s series of October Country tales.

Now that I am training to be a Voice Actor I decided to do a reading of the story.

As with my first two recordings, I did this using my Logitech headset and Mic. (My professional AT2035 Microphone is still back order, nearly two months now). For editing and clean up I used Audacity.

I still have a lot to learn, but hope you enjoy this haunting tale.

“The Crypt”
Written and Read by
Kevin Paul Shaw Broden
Four Names of Professional Creativity

Tales of Yesteryear Told in Future Tense

The year 2020 hasn’t turned out the way any of us had planned it. But looking now my 2020 Vision from the beginning of the year and isn’t all that cloudy.
Along with being an artist and writer, I had begun training to become a voice actor for animation.
Things may have slowed down some, but they haven’t stopped. I’m still writing, and am regularly doing artwork for books by Airship 27 Productions.
I continue taking more classes towards my acting career.
At my wife encouragement I have joined a local chapter of Toastmasters – Toastmasters 4 Writers. What could be more perfect.
At a meeting nearly a year ago, before I officially joined I did an Impromptu ‘Table Topics’ speech which I won, and it set off my Determination to become a Voice Actor.
This past Saturday (August 8th, 2020) I gave my first speech. An ‘Icebreaker’ speech they call it, introducing myself to the group.
As I wrote my speech I began to realize the moment in my life that set me off on the road to being an artist, writer, and now actor. It all began with ‘Old Time Radio.’

What follows is my Toastmasters Icebreaker speech, entitled:
“Tales of Yesteryear Told in Future Tense”.
(Points to those who know what two radio programs that is a reference to.)

Tales of Yesteryear Told in Future Tense

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