My previous blog post was officially the last of my Comic Book series for Toastmasters, but I have one more story to tell.
While I was telling you all about my love for the Golden Age of Super Heroes, about Earth 2, the Justice Society, and the All-Star Squadron, one evening I had a dream.
Over the last week I’ve been drawing a pseudo comic book cover based on that dream.
In the dream I saw a metallic head, it had been dug up from out of the ground.

I knew immediately what the metal head was, and where I was, and who the people were around me.
The head belong to the Golden Age hero known as ROBOTMAN.
As to the location, I was apparently in the back yard of The Brownstone.
The Brownstone was (and still is) the headquarters of the JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA.
I knew all this, because as mentioned I knew all about the stories these characters existed in. Robotman was one of the founding characters of the All-Star Squadron.

In this dream, I am approached by someone, and I know it is a member of the Justice Society. It was a man known as SAND, formerly Sandy The Golden Boy the sidekick to the golden age SANDMAN.
Sandy began to tell me who Robotman was, even though I knew it already:

Robert Crane and his assistant Chuck Grayson had built a mechanical body in order to sustain life. After being fatally shot, Grayson transplanted Crane’s brain into the robot body. Now as Robotman, Crane would find his own killer and fight crime for many years. Years would pass until Robotman was trapped in a cave-in, during which time his old friend Grayson died but had left instructions that his body be cryogenically preserved so that Crane’s brain could be transplanted into it.
I knew all that having not only read the All-Star Squadron, but the Robotman’s entry in WHO’S WHO IN THE DC UNIVERSE.

The question now remained for Sandy, The Justice Society of America, and myself, was why had Robotman’s head been buried in the yard of the JSA’s headquarter.
I don’t know! It was just a dream, but I would love to write that story sometime.
On a side note, since the early 60s, another Robotman has existed in the DC Universe, as a member of the Doom Patrol, but his story has never interested me as much as the Golden Age hero, especially in the pre-CRISIS All-Star Squadron stories. Since the Crisis, the history of the original Robotman has been rewritten at least twice that I know of. I enjoyed the overall story of one of them, but they are not the story or the character I know.
So perhaps that original, original, Robotman is calling out to have his story told once more. It would be neat if I had the chance to tell it, but I don’t even know what it is yet.
It was all a dream created by a mind that was writing a series of blogs about the comic book super heroes I love so much.
Thank you all for reading my blogs over the last month. The series for Toastmasters is now complete. At the beginning of March, I will be giving a speech about the entire experience. Hopefully I’ll recorded it and post it here as well.
In the meantime, I plan to continue my blog twice a week. On many other topics, but I will probably continue to write about my love and joy of the Golden Age of Comics.
Thank you.
Paul O’Mahony
I hope you do record & share your speech. You’ve inspired me to undertake that project – All that remains as for me to decide the purpose of my blog
Thank you. The speech will be on March 1st, I’ll let you know more later.