There are times when you don’t know what to Blog about.

I know I need to create a calendar and list of ideas for upcoming blogs, but sometimes that takes as much work as writing the blog itself does.

So where do ideas come from? I have no idea.

As I began to write this blog, my wife was volunteering at the local library, and I headed out from there to walk through the neighborhood.

I ended up walking about two and half miles as I circled around and made my way back to the library. Walked through areas I had never been to before and that was fun. Stopping only briefly to buy an iced tea at a small little shop I didn’t know existed… I’ll be back.

Are there little placed you enjoy that you just stumbled across and keep coming back to? What are they, what do you enjoy?

One of the things I thought about while walking was that I need small note book to keep in my pocket to write down. Yes, I know I have aps on my phone that allow me to write or record my thoughts, but I’ve discovered that nothing compares to a pad of paper and a pen or pencil. Even if it’s just for a quick word or two.

Opening your phone, pulling up the app only takes a few seconds but it’s cold you lose the creativity as you start typing. (I began writing this blog on my app, I lost a lot of what was in my head.) Also, it’s too easy to start scrolling through social media.

Focus on the world around you and let the imagination flow then jot down whatever comes to mind.