Writing can be one of the most joys filled actives, or the must torturous. More often than not, it is both at the same time.

Currently, while writing this blog I am also writing the Toastmasters speech I am going to give this coming Saturday about “Writing Compelling Blogs” and all the postings I made in January and early February that I wrote about comic books. On top of that I am working on a couple of short stories, one of which I began years ago and have pulled it out and dusted it off. Additionally, I am working on the script for the next issue of our webcomic Flying Glory and the Hounds of Glory.

It sounds like a lot of stressful work, but if you enjoy what you’re writing about, creating works and characters in fiction, and expressing your own thoughts it can be great fun. Even the tedious work of research can be an exciting endeavor as you discover new things to write about beyond your original ideas.

One thing that I find interesting is the different between brainstorming and actually writing the stories. Brainstorming works best for me when writing with a pen and paper. How about you? Then I take all those notes and turn to the computer and start typing away.

I also come up with ideas by drawing pictures. As I sketch out an image, I begin to think about what’s in the picture and soon a story develops and from there I can write out the rest of it.

I could go on about this, but I have other things to write about.

Write soon.