Author - Artist - Voice Over Actor

Tag: Flying Glory and the Hounds of Glory

It never rains in Southern California… Ya right!

It never rains in Southern California… Ya right!

Our back yard is flooded, but hasn’t gotten in the house yet.

Boy this blogging thing is harder then I thought. 🙂

There hasn’t really been anything worth writing about, but always happy to do so.

The latest page of FLYING GLORY AND THE HOUNDS OF GLORY went up this weekend. I am really surprised at my art sometimes. Some of my work, and certain characters come across absolutely terrible, while other characters hit the mark perfectly and I find emotion and depth coming from their faces more then I expected. Check it out at

This past week I submitted a series proposal to a comic book company. Can’t say anything in fear that it won’t happen, but if nothing else, I am building a positive relationship with the editors.

The Christmas holidays are upon us, and I have to think gifts for family and friends. We all know how it’s not that easy. We all promise to start making notes early in the year as we learn what he or she is interested in, but by the time the holiday’s or their birthday shows up we haven’t a clue what that idea was.

Other random thoughts before I sign off. I’m discovering that facebook and twitter are becoming more useful then I first thought they would be. I know I need to network more and this seems to be working out better then going to an industry holiday party.

Enjoy the holidays everyone, hopefully I’ll post again before the end of the year.

Development and ReCreation

Hi all,

Really didn’t want to take this long to get back to posting, but it happened all the same.
Here are a few things that I’ve been up to.
The final page of Issue 9 of Flying Glory and the Hounds of Glory. I’m currently painting the cover art for Issue 10 and hope to have it up with in the week.
I am also in the process of redesigning my website, but won’t post the link here until it’s finished. Will be really stressing my animation development and production work there.
Things seem to be going better in my pursuit for work. Though I not hired yet, I have been meeting with people from several different studio who are really interested working with me. Yesterday’s meeting could really turn into something fantastic.  I also got to pitch another series idea and expect to hear back on it in a month.
Looks like I may be in a gallery show next month, will post all the appropriate information when it’s ready.  Have to actually finish the art work itself first. 🙂
Speaking of art, as bonus for sticking with my quiet moments here, I’m posting drawing that will eventually be part of new website. I do most of this type of work, like I do the web comic, on my computer using Painter. So these “pencils” were actually done digitally, I will then “ink” it and paint it the same way.
When I wrote the Title line for this blog, I was thinking in one direction, and then I realized what I really wrote.  Don’t know about the rest of you, but thought my writing and art work is done for a job, it is also done out of enjoyment.  I love animation, that any hard job is also enjoyment. Creation is Recreation.  What do you think?
Stick around, I hope to have more postings soon.

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