Author - Artist - Voice Over Actor

Tag: Pro Se Productions

The Phantom Detective is out

As I’ve told you in previous posts, along with super heroes I fell in love with the adventure heroes that came out of the Pulp era and in the Golden Age of Radio. Those masked, and some not, adventures were always a part of me.

Let me introduce you to The Phantom Detective

My Career In Comics, So far…

This is probably going to be the more boring and least interesting post in this series, but let’s give it a try.

As mentioned, I was a young kid discovering comic books when I knew I wanted to be a comic book artist, and being an artist, I soon discovered that I was a story teller so that meant I was a writer as well. I emulated the artists and writers I loved in the comic.

Legends of New Pulp Fiction

I have an illustration in this book along with other great artists and writers.

BLACK FEDORA – “The Man Who Stole Manhattan”

You have read the hero’s story, about how he saved the day and defeated the evil villain. Now it’s time to read the villain’s tale. Who is the man that is performing these most vile deeds?

You’ll get that answer and more in the pages of the Black Fedora.

Black Fedora is an anthology produced by New Pulp publisher Pro Se Productions with tales of the adversaries, or the evil ones, of the super villains.

It is my honor to stand alongside fellow authors B.C. Bell and Philip Drayer Duncan in these pages of crime, under the guiding hand of Tommy Handcock.

“The Man Who Stole Manhattan” is my submission to this collection about a villain who threatens the entire city for reasons known only to his dark heart.

If you pay close attention, you may discover connections to the hidden origins of Flying Glory.

Black Fedora is available in both paperback and ebook formats, at Amazon and Smashwords.

Give it a read and support your local bad guy.

More importantly, support your local author.

Kevin Paul Shaw Broden

Four Names of Professional Creativity

Darkness Approaches from under the Black Fedora…

As the sun sets upon this hot-as-hell day, and the shadows creep across the alleyways of our cities, criminals raise their heads to steal your Aunt Harriet’s silver candle sticks, or mad scientists wind up their giant robots to take over the world.

She never figured it out. Who’s aunt was she?

The villains who make the heroes…. heroic… are out and about, and soon they are about to get their day in the sun.

No, I’m not talking about DC Comic’s Forever Evil comic book event.

What I’m asking you to do is be careful and look inside the Black Fedora.

In this evening’s twilight I received word of the release of a New Pulp anthology by Pro Se Production entitled the Black Fedora will be released later this month (September, 2013).

I’ll have more to write about it as we get closer to the release. In the meantime, be sure to check under the cover for ancient monsters and alien invaders, the bad guys are about to get their day. Will the heroes survive?

Pleasant dreams.

Kevin Paul Shaw Broden
Four Names of Professional Creativity

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