Hey, look, it’s Thursday evening and time for my weekly brain dump of a blog.
Thanks everyone who has been taking time out of your busy schedules to read my rambles. I really appreciate it.
This blog was always supposed to be about my writing and about my career. Sometimes, however, it became a place for me to vent and complain. I don’t want that to happen regularly.
A few weeks ago I wrote about my job search and how it hadn’t been going well, so I have been devoting a lot of my time to writing and drawing the webcomic FLYING GLORY AND THE HOUNDS OF GLORY, my novel, my serial REVENGE OF THE MASKED GHOST, and this blog and pushing to keep a deadline for each one of them as if I was on a paid assignment.
It looks like my deadline schedule is about to change.
I have a job.
(I can hear you all cheering out there. No wait, that’s a cricket outside my office window.)
Yes, that’s true, I have a job. Or rather a short term, part-time job between now and this coming February, but it is a job.
I praise God for this job as I would any other.
Being a part time job of only twelve hours a week I should still have plenty of time to write. Hopefully I will find someone who will pay me to write, but I’m still going to write no matter what.
Which brings me to the shifting of my deadlines. I don’t want to really change anything, but know something has to give a little.
Each new page of the webcomic will still be posted on Sundays, and this blog should still be able to make its appearance each Thursday (as you can tell it doesn’t take much brain power). As much as I don’t want to, am going to post the serial every other week. Not only will it ease up my schedule, but I’ll be able to improve on the story.
I intend to post the next chapter this following Tuesday, and then two weeks later.
Thank you for your understand and support. It’s really been great to know that people are out there reading my stories. Know any publishers or producers you could point my way? (Seriously: Does anyone need an assistant for a couple days a week?)
Would love to hear from you either here in the comments section or at my Twitter account: Kevinpsb00
Thanks, have a great weekend.
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